1. Northern Ireland after the Good Friday agreement :
Author: Mike Morrissey amd
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Great Britain., Treaties, etc., Ireland,1998 April 10.,Treaties, etc. (Great Britain and Ireland : 1998 April 10),Catholics-- Northern Ireland-- History-- 20th century.,Protestants-- Northern Ireland-- History-- 20th century.,Social conflict-- Northern Ireland-- History-- 20th century.,Victims of terrorism-- Northern Ireland.,Catholics.,Gevolgen.,Nordirlandkonflikt,Nordirlandkonflikt-- Bürgerkrieg.,POLITICAL SCIENCE-- History & Theory.,Politics and government.,Politiek geweld.,Protestants.,Social conflict.,Sociale aspecten.,Victimes du terrorisme-- Grande-Bretagne-- Irlande du Nord.,Victimologie.,Victims of terrorism.,Violence politique-- Grande-Bretagne-- Irlande du Nord.,Vredesonderhandelingen.,Northern Ireland, History, 1998-,Northern Ireland, Politics and government, 1998-,Irlande du Nord (GB), 1994- ...,Northern Ireland., 0, 0, 7, 7
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